Portland, OR 2024 Fall Art and Soul Workshops

Workshop Details

Helene Knott
9:00 - 4:30
Fri Aug 16

Ancient Icons

$ 185  


NOTE: Sewing Machine Experience Required

We will have 5 machines available to share for this class if you are traveling.  If you live locally, please bring your machine and let us know so we can reserve for others!

 You will use beading, embroidery, stamping and painting to embellish small edge-stitched ‘art tiles’ made from of layered and stabilized fabric; these samples can be used individually as fiber art jewelry, artist trading cards or combined into larger assemblages. The majority of the class will be devoted to embellishing your tiles, but there will be a demonstration on how to prepare your own tiles for future projects. Note: The arrangements shown represent possible assemblages of tiles and not necessarily the project finished in class.

Please be courteous to others by arriving for class with the correct supplies. Contact me at 503-631-8806 or helene.m.knott@gmail.com if you have any questions. 

Materials fee $40 paid directly to instructor at beginning of class includes:

includes 5-6 pre-stitched fabric ‘Art Tiles”* (see note) in varying sizes, embroidery floss, seed beads, beading thread, an assortment of buttons, dangles, and/or charms, use of instructor’s stamps, paint and pens, and needles. Note: Due to fabric availability, the fabric Art Tiles in the kits will vary from those shown in samples, however, there will be lots of different sets to choose from.

Supplies You Need to Bring to Class

• Embroidery or craft scissors
• Needle Puller (optional): This is a little rubber circle that helps grip the needle to pull it through bulky materials.
• Black Pigma Micron pen (optional)
• Portable light and/or magnifier (optional): Good lighting is essential for handwork and the lighting in classroom environments isn’t always up to the task. It can be helpful to have additional, focused lighting in the form of an Ott type lamp or the LED type that hangs around your neck, some lights come with an attached magnifier lens, and this too can be useful.