Portland, OR 2024 August Registration is NOW OPEN

Exploration of Black as Primary Color

Orly Avineri
9:00 - 4:30
Fri/Sat/Sun Aug 16-18

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$ 555  

Creating a body of work
A mixed media workshop

In this workshop we’ll take on the fear of using black as a background color, as a starting point, as the star, or as an honorable color among all the others on our palette. In physics and on the light spectrum black is the absence of light, which provides us with a beautiful opportunity to draw the light out with our paints, line makers, and collections of papers. In our lively event we’ll be using small canvases, panels, old vintage book boards, etc. to create a series of magnificent pieces. This mixed media workshop welcomes all curious souls and free spirits who are good and ready to celebrate a less popular color, in fact, one that in art is considered to be the presence of all colors.

Supplies Needed  to bring for Class:

10 small surfaces (at least) you can’t wait to work on.
Ideas: Small canvases of your choice, card boards, wood panels, old vintage book boards, etc.

-A sidekick - a used/vintage book with images/photographs/illustrations you love, to be altered. (Book should lay flat when worked on and preferably not glossy)

-Acrylic Paints (a few colors of your choice), a container for water, paper towels or/and rags
-White Gesso
-Black Gesso
-A couple of different size brushes, from very thin to wide and flat
-Matte or Soft Gel (Liquitex, Golden)
-Fine permanent black pens.
-A nice size collection of collage papers, blank mixed media paper sheets, miscellaneous images, original or photocopies, pages from magazines and old book, old journal pages and paintings on paper that you are willing to alter, etc.




Click here for a printable page

Proud Sponsors for Art & Soul

For your convenience, you may pre-order your materials for classes! Your materials will be waiting for you at the retreat. And you can always purchase additional materials at the retreat.

Runaway Art and Craft Studio

Runaway Art and Craft Studio is our onsite store and sponsor for Portland, OR Retreats.
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