Portland, OR 2024 August Art and Soul Workshops

Workshop Details

Helene Knott
6:30 - 9:30
Thur Eve Aug 15

Mandala - Hand Embroidery

$ 100  


The circle is considered a sacred symbol in many cultures. Mandalas are sacred circles, usually comprised of repeating symmetrical designs, often used in the practice of meditation. Tibetan Sand Paintings, Islamic prayer rugs, The famous Rose Window in Notre Dame are all examples of mandalas; even Medieval and Renaissance Masters like Albrecht Durer and Fibonacci, explored these circular designs also referred to as Sacred Geometry. In this class, you will create your own personal Mandala in colors and stitches of your choice. The stitching process is very therapeutic and meditative and the basic stitches fairly simple. Assembled into an ever increasing circle, they form and intricate tapestry of form and texture.

Please be courteous to others by arriving for class with the correct supplies. Contact me at 503-888-9784 or helene.m.knott@gmail.com if you have any questions.

Materials Fee $15 paid at beginning of class includes:

an 11” square of fabric, iron-on stabilizer, assorted embroidery threads, an embroidery needle.

Supplies Needed  to bring for Class:

 Embroidery scissors
 Chalk marking pencil and Frixion® pen
 Small ruler: A 6” ruler would be ideal.
Students can opt to bring their own materials if they wish. Refer to the kit list for what to bring or contact instructor for more information.

Other Incidental Supplies: You may or may not need these things; they are mainly for comfort.
 Lighting: additional lighting may be helpful; a portable Ott light would be appropriate.
 Magnifier: If your eyes are getting weak, a magnifier that clamps to the table will be very helpful. Some even come lighted.
 Extension cords and plug strips (if bringing additional lighting): check to see if these will be provided or if it’s advisable to bring your own.
 A Pillow: Many venues have less than comfortable chairs, a pillow may help.