Portland, OR 2024 August Registration is NOW OPEN

Weaving Outside the Book

Renee Richetts
9:00 - 4:30
Sun/Mon Aug 11-12

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$ 350  

The artist’s book spine can serve as a beautiful loom. In this 2-day workshop, we will learn how.
Day one: The Coptic stitch has been used since the Middle Ages to bind a book that can lay flat when open. Mastering it is necessary for day 2. Attendees can expect to complete at least 3 Coptic stitch books from tools and materials provided.
Day two:
Adding to the Coptic stitch, we will create the warp of a mini loom up and down the book spine, then weave threads crosswise to form the woof. The effect is beautiful, strong, and rarely seen. Attendees can expect to complete 1-2 woven spine books on day 2.

Materials Fee $50 paid at beginning of class includes:

everything you will need for both days such as art papers, book-binding tools (yours to keep) adhesives, waxed linen, embellishments and more.

Supplies Needed  to bring for Class:

pair of scissors & design ideas!

Click here for a printable page

Proud Sponsors for Art & Soul

For your convenience, you may pre-order your materials for classes! Your materials will be waiting for you at the retreat. And you can always purchase additional materials at the retreat.

Runaway Art and Craft Studio

Runaway Art and Craft Studio is our onsite store and sponsor for Portland, OR Retreats.
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