Portland, OR 2024 August Art and Soul Workshops

Workshop Details

Tammy Gilley
9:00 - 4:30
Sun Aug 11

Belle Epoque Journal

$ 185  


The Belle Epoque was a period of French history characterized by optimism, peace, and prosperity. The arts in Paris flourished during the Belle Epoque, with literature, music, theater, and visual art gaining extensive recognition.

In this workshop, we’ll create 4”x4” art journals to pay homage to that “Golden Age” and capture the “joie de vivre”, or joy of living, of the period. Think the Moulin Rouge and the Can-can Dance, the Eiffel Tower and 1889 World Exposition that took place in Paris, Art Nouveau and the post-Impressionists. There are so many areas of inspiration to draw from and capture in our art journals.

Techniques taught in this workshop:

Oversized motifs
Image transfers
Prompts to capture the essence of the Belle Epoque
Adding layers with textiles, stitching, mark-making, ephemera, and paper
Storytelling through your artistic expression
Rusting papers, fabrics, pages

 Materials Fee $25 paid at beginning of class includes:

Chipboard journal covers
Vintage papers, vintage wallpapers, and ephemera
Mixed media paper, watercolor paper, graph paper
Collage materials
All bookbinding materials, including waxed linen thread, bookbinding tape, awls, needles
Use of India ink, rust liquor, embroidery floss
Fabric scraps, lace and ribbon bits
Printed instructions

Supplies Needed  to bring for Class:

Vintage ephemera you may have collected and have in your stash - perfume labels, postcards, photographs, etc.
Glue stick
Bone folder
Washi tape - 2-3 favorites
Pens, markers, pencils of your choice
Small watercolor palette
Water brushes
Paper towels or a small rag