Portland, OR 2024 August Registration is NOW OPEN

Beautiful Box Clasp

Ruth Greening
9:00 - 4:30
Thur Aug 15

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$ 185  

This is a very challenging and rewarding piece of jewelry to make. This will hone in on precision in the smallest of ways. Taken one step at a time you will learn what makes this piece work and how to assemble all the pieces to accomplish a beautiful, functioning, amazing Box Clasp!
Advanced skills in sawing, measuring and soldering.

Materials Fee $45 in cash  paid at beginning of class includes:

silver for 1 clasp, additional metals and accessories.

Supplies Needed  to bring for Class:

Basic jewelry tools; flat, needle nose, half round with flat pliers. 6” to 8” flat and half round jewelry files, cut #2, these are jewelry files for metal not diamond files**Please no ‘Harbor freight specials’** check Otto Frei for good files. Jeweler’s saw with 1/0 or 2/0 blades. Metal Ruler and digital measuring calipers.
Large butane torch (like a Big Buddy) I will have butane gas available.
Portable bench pin. Because of the way the tables are made it is a good idea to have some extra strips of wood to help the fit, maybe a stack of popsicle sticks? A Steel bench block, tweezers Rawhide hammer, ball peen hammer, texture hammers if you want
Nice to have but not necessary, optical assistance and lighting.

Click here for a printable page

Proud Sponsors for Art & Soul

For your convenience, you may pre-order your materials for classes! Your materials will be waiting for you at the retreat. And you can always purchase additional materials at the retreat.

Runaway Art and Craft Studio

Runaway Art and Craft Studio is our onsite store and sponsor for Portland, OR Retreats.
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