Harrisburg, PA May 2024 Registration is NOW OPEN

Layering & Mark Making

Jacqueline Sullivan
9:00 - 4:30
Thur May 16

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$ 185  

Mark making describes the different lines, dots, marks, patterns, and textures we create in an artwork. It can be loose and gestural or controlled and neat. It can apply to any material used on any surface: paint on canvas, ink or pencil on paper, etc. Artists use gesture to express their feeling and emotions in response to something seen or something felt – or gestural qualities can be used to create a purely abstract composition.
In this class, we will start our paintings with loose gestural marks and continue on with thin layers of fluid acrylics. Between the layers, we may choose to emphasize a shape with mor e marks, gradually building our unique abstract work. 

Materials Fee $15 paid to instructor at beginning of class includes:

All Paints and Mediums
Other various media (pastels, charcoal, etc.)
Stencils, etc.

Supplies Needed  to bring for Class:

12” x 12” stretched canvas (nothing smaller)
1” Golden Taklon Flat Brush (I prefer Silver Crystal Golden Natural)
# 6 or # 8 Round brush

2 Spaces Remaining

Click here for a printable page

Proud Sponsors for Art & Soul

For your convenience, you may pre-order your materials for classes! Your materials will be waiting for you at the retreat. And you can always purchase additional materials at the retreat.

Runaway Art and Craft Studio

Runaway Art and Craft Studio is our onsite store and sponsor for Portland, OR Retreats.
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