Harrisburg, PA May 2024 Registration is NOW OPEN

Have a Dremel Day

Thomas Ashman
9:00 - 4:30
Wed May 15

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$ 185  

So you bought a Dremel Tool, with all those crazy attachments and bits, and the unbridled versatility of this amazing device has left you more than a little bit confused, or even intimidated. Fear not my friends, for this course will turn a Dremel Novice into a Dremel Master. I will explain all the basic workings of the tool, chucks, collets, and how to change the bits, and replace the brushes. We'll go over what many of the different tips and bits can do, such as drilling, cutting, buffing, sanding, grinding, polishing, carving, engraving, and a few of the specialty bits and attachments like tools that can drill and cut glass, porcelain or stone (diamond bit/cut-off wheel required). Students will not only get a demonstration of these tools and several of their myriad uses on all kinds of materials, but should bring along a variety of supplies to practice on, as there will plenty of quality hands-on time for you and your new tool. We will also cover using a Dremel drill press and basic safety for rotary tools.

For more info visit Black Sheep Artist Studio or email
thomasashmanart@ yahoo.com

Supplies Needed  to bring for Class:

A Dremel (or another roary tool) with all the bits, attachments, and gizmos you can bring; I will bring a small variety of supplies to work on like metal, wood, plastic, porcelain, stone and glass (requires a diamond bit or cut off wheel), but you should bring some too! Also, if you have a "project" in mind, bring it! You might also want to have on hand some snips or shears, a pair of needlenose pliers, wire cutters, scissors, ruler, and a Sharpie. Bring whatever materials you like to work on most so we can get you going on what you bought the Dremel for in the first place!

5 Spaces Remaining

Click here for a printable page

Proud Sponsors for Art & Soul

For your convenience, you may pre-order your materials for classes! Your materials will be waiting for you at the retreat. And you can always purchase additional materials at the retreat.

Runaway Art and Craft Studio

Runaway Art and Craft Studio is our onsite store and sponsor for Portland, OR Retreats.
Visit Runaway Art and Craft Studio...