Portland, OR April 2024 Art and Soul Workshops

Workshop Details

Orly Avineri
9:00 - 4:30
Fri/Sat/Sun April 19-20-21

Into the Spirit of Things-3 Day Alternative Book Making Experience

$ 555  


In this 3-day mixed media workshop we’ll create papers, collage, stitch, draw, and paint. We’ll experiment with processes such as image transferring and mark making. Once we make our individual pieces we’ll make book signatures out of them and bind them together, instinctually, to make our little books, to journal in or leave as is. Our days together will end with rich, one of a kind, personal books, filled with awe and wonderment, warm and tactile nests of gatherings to be cradled in our hands. Practices of alternative book-making cultivate insight into the nature of the creative process and its multiple relations to loss, mend, and change. Enriched by self trust, enthusiasm, calm, and acceptance, images, paper, paint, words, line work, and thread, entwine to make expressive, complex, personal, and sensual books. It's all about finding true and joyous creative freedom, newness, a fluidity of life, and about experiencing a deep sense of interconnectedness to all.
-No experience necessary, only an open mind and heart, and a dose of child-like curiosity.

Supplies Needed  to bring for Class:

A “SIDEKICK”- A small used book with images/photographs/or illustrations you love, to be altered.
(Book should lay flat when worked on and preferably not glossy)

-One small 3-D item that has a meaning for you.
-Acrylic Paints (a couple colors of your choice), container for water, paper towels or/and rags
-White Gesso
-Black Gesso
-A couple of different size brushes, from very thin to wide and flat
-Matte or soft Gel (Liquitex, Golden)
-A black permanent pen.
-A flattened (cereal) food box
-Sewing/embroidery needle & sewing and /or embroidery thread (favorite color/s)
-Wax thread for binding (favorite color) (Optional)
-An awl
-Photocopies of small and loved images (with good contrast, black & white or color), printed on LASER printers. Important! If done at a print shop like Fedex Kinkos make sure to ask for Laser copies (they print on Inkjet printers as well) and have it done on the cheapest paper, not glossy.
-Personal images:
Meaningful to you ephemera: Personal and miscellaneous photographs, original and/or photocopies, papers from personal collections, from books and magazines, little envelopes, old letters and personal notes, clippings of old journal pages and paintings, etc.

No extra supplies need to be purchased in class.