Portland, OR April 2024 Art and Soul Workshops

Workshop Details

Stephanie Burton
6:30 - 9:30
Mon Eve April 15

Transform Magazine Page into Painting

$ 95  


Painting over a magazine image is a great way to practice painting portraits, flower’s or whatever subject matter you choose. I like to select a photo with a lot of contrast, my preference is a close-up of a women’s face.

Students will learn multiple mixed-media techniques for creating a beautiful background creating layers and depth using collage paper, acrylic paint and stencils. Together we will create our backgrounds from the techniques we just learned. I will be there to walk you through the process step-by-step and I always recommend approaching this process with a playful, non-judgmental and exploratory spirit!

Once we have our background, it’s time to bring in our focal point.
I will demonstrate different shading, highlighting, sketching and painting techniques to bring your Image to life. Following the demonstration each participant will begin creating their own Unique Painting.
At the end of the Workshop, you will walk away with a plethora of surface texture altering and layering & painting techniques as well as up to two 9 x 12 works of art! You can play with these learned techniques at home, even touch up you’re painting at home and soon after practice, you’ll be pleasantly surprised
of your growth!
Every student will leave with a finished painting or two.

Students of every experience level are welcome!

Materials Fee $20 cash paid at beginning of class includes:

- Acrylic paint
- Gel Medium
- Gesso
- Blending Stump for shading
- Watercolor paper, cold-pressed 9x12 (two sheets)
- Palette knife
**Shared art supplies including: Dylusion & Distressed inks, stencils, rubber stamps, ink blending tools, stabile pencil and magazines & collage paper.

 Supplies Needed  to bring for Class:

One small brush, one medium brush, and one large brush
- Basic art supplies: scissors, small water container, rags & apron.
- Small package of wipes.
- Optional: Collage paper if you’d like to use your own.
  I will provide collage paper as well.
- Optional: Image from a magazine (person, flower, animal etc.)
I will have magazines as well to choose from!!
- Palette paper or paper plate for acrylic Paint.
- Favorite pen for mark making