Learn a simple yet dramatic way to create batik fabric using flour and paint. Each student will work on four pieces and embellish them, combining painting, needle arts and textiles. Plenty of room for individual expression and sharing of ideas.
Materials Fee $8 paid at beginning of class includes:
Sturdy cotton fabric
Flour and water 50:50 slurry
Plastic squeeze bottles
Embroidery reference sheets
Assorted paints including dimensional fabric paint.
Wax paper for palettes and work area protection
Hair dryers
Iron and ironing surface, extension cords
Embellishments, threads
Supplies Needed to bring for Class:
Acrylic paints (any quality, tubes or bottles), plus fabric paint if you have it
Paint brush assortment: stubby or foam (don’t bring good brushes!)
Palette or wax paper;
container for water to dilute paint and rinse brushes
Waterproof sharpies and waterproof metallic pens
String, yarn, embroidery floss, thread (various colors and metallics)
Needles, assorted sizes for various threads
Embellishments: beads, charms, small decorative things that can be attached with thread
Old plastic credit card for scraping
Optional: hairdryer, embroidery hoop, reference charts on embroidery stitches, dimensional fabric paint