Create luminous stained-glass-like tissue paper with acrylic paints, then learn how to make the most of the beautiful material you have created with collage techniques. We’ll explore which materials and methods work the best, how to vary the value and intensity of your colors, and then a few other techniques for developing design and pattern on your tissue papers. This workshop is open to beginners, but also appropriate for more experienced artists. Some knowledge of acrylic paints is helpful.
Materials Fee $5 paid at beginning of class includes:
Tissue paper
Cheap drawing paper for making opaque colors
Supplies Needed to bring for Class:
• Fluid Acrylic paints (Golden, or other high-quality brand, small amounts), mostly transparent colors. These include (and I recommend):
o Indian Yellow Hue
o Nickel-Azo Yellow
o Quinacridone Red, Magenta, and Crimson
o Manganese Blue Hue
o Phthalo Blue
o Green Gold
o Sap Green
o Phthalo Green
o Permanent Violet Light
o Transparent Iron Oxide
o Quinacridone Gold (if you can find it, not necessary)
o Bone Black
• Acrylic opaque white: I use Blick Matte Acrylic, but Titanium White is good too.
• Sponge brushes or other soft brushes
• Fluid Matte Medium or regular acrylic matte medium
• Disposable Palette, 12”x16” OR sheets of freezer paper
• Smaller palette, 9”x12”, or other white, non-porous, surface
• Soft rubber brayer, 2” or similar
• Palette knife for mixing paints
• Quart container for water
• Spray bottle of water
• One large roll of soft paper towels