IIn this workshop students will learn about several ways to use the mineral Mica. The techniques of altering this amazing mineral makes it a perfect addition to many crafting projects. During the class students will construct a 5.5” X 6” Journal which they can incorporate pages of their own artwork. Although the finished Journal in itself will be quite a nice piece to have, it will be the knowledge students will acquire in the uses of mica that will be the true addition to their art world.
Materials Fee $35 cash paid at beginning of class includes:
Everything to construct the journal, plus extra Mica pack & Vintage paper packet.
This class is for all skill levels.
Supplies Needed to bring for Class:
Several (7 - 10) Images measuring no more than 2.5” X 2.5” (these can be old text, photos, ect…) , 1 cover image measuring no more than 2.5”X2.5”.
Apron, Lap Towel