Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
How much does it cost to attend?
Classes are priced separately...the price is on the top of the class description. You are responsible for your own accommodations and meals, so the price can vary according to your desires. We encourage attendees to stay at the host hotel. You become much more involved in the comraderie and excitment when you stay onsite!!
Is there a minimum number of workshops I have to sign up for?
No, you may sign up for just one, or as many as you wish.
How do I register for an event?
All of our registration is online and by check. Prior to the event, we will announce the date and time that registration will open. Attendees will be able to register online and pay by check. Class spaces will fill on a first-come, first-serve basis. If it's in your cart when you check out, you got in the class--no more waiting to see if you got your first choices, and no more choosing alternates! Please check the specific event for more details on the registration process and to check the policies for that event.
How do I know where to go for my classes?
All attendees must check in at the Art & Soul Registration desk located at the host property of the event. At that time, you will receive your name badge for class entry, and all pertinent information regarding the event, including classroom locations.
If I add a class later, do I have to pay the registration fee again?
The registration is one time only per person / per event.
Can I switch classes if I change my mind?
Yes, if you want to change a class you can up to 90 days prior to the event, please email Glenny with your request and she'll help you with it. There is a $25 fee for each request, and there are no changes after a specified date (see the Policies page for each retreat). You must contact Glenny at
What if I have to cancel later?
Please see the Policies page on the website for cancellation policies. Cancellation insurance is highly recommended. Info is also on the home page.
I see that some classes have a "materials or kit fee," Do I pay that directly to the instructor, or when I register?
The materials fees are to be paid to the instructor at the beginning of class.
I keep hearing about "trades?. What are they, and do I have to do them?
Trades are typically small items made by you (or packets of goodies that you put together) that you bring and trade with others who have made things. They are not required, but are a fun way to share your art with others. Trading can take place anywhere and everywhere at the retreat...just ask if anyone is trading, and you are sure to get a response!
Can my child attend classes?
We welcome mature teens, 14 years or older, paying the regular adult fee.
My spouse is coming with me but not taking any classes. Can he/she just hang out in the class with me?
Your spouse is more than welcome to accompany you to the retreat but only paid attendees are allowed in classes.
Can my spouse and/or children attend the vendor event?
The events are open to the public for a $10 fee at the door (children under the age of 14 are free). There is no fee for registered attendees.
Do you have any special events planned, in addition to the workshops?
Each retreat may have special events, exclusive to that location. Please check the Activities page on the website, under each location.
Is there a shuttle from the airport to the hotel?
For Portland there is a shuttle that can be contacted from the baggage claim area at the airport.
Will I receive a confirmation in the mail?
Your online registration IS your confirmation, so be sure you print out a copy and keep it for your records. We will NOT be sending additional confirmations in the mail.
How can I keep in touch with what's going on?
Two ways...join the Facebook group. And also sign up for the newsletter (it is the little envelope on the home page) Facebook is the best way to chat with others who are going, get info about the event, and just soak up all the creative energy! Please visit to join. The newsletter will inform you of specials, new events and other very important A&S items.
What happens if the event is cancelled due to government orders on COVID-19 or any other natural disaster?
In the case of unforeseen circumstances, including Acts of GOD, which would cause the event to be cancelled, Art & Soul reserves the right to reschedule the event at a later date to be determined. Such circumstances include without limitation natural disasters; acts of terrorism; labor disputes or stoppages; war; government acts or orders; epidemics, pandemics or outbreak of communicable disease (such as COVID-19); quarantines; national or regional emergencies; or any other cause, whether similar in kind to the foregoing or otherwise, beyond the party’s reasonable control. No refunds will be issued under these circumstances. A credit will be given instead. Credits can be used at any Art & Soul Retreat in the future. There is no expiration date.