This lesser known Art movement started in Italy in the 1960's. Artists were rejecting traditional painting and using common items creating assemblage, sculpture and paintings with items like dirt, rocks, paper, clothing and rope. Their mission? To reconnect Art and Life.
I’m convinced this is where the recycled and repurposed art that we see so much of today began with this small group of artists.
In this class you'll get a little art history and then we'll make our own Arté Povera assemblage painting piece using acrylics, twig bundles, old postage stamps and Italian papers
Materials Fee $25 paid to instructor at beginning of class includes:
cradled wood panel, an Arte Povera class kit with various “poverty art” assemblage supplies- kits are unique and may include any combination of flattened bottle caps, items from nature, twigs, used postage stamps, birch tree skin, fabric, shredded money, quilling paper, string, leather and metal scrap, wine cork slices, Italian book pages, beads and more.
Supplies Needed to bring for Class:
Soft Gel Medium and a stronger adhesive- heavy gel or tacky glue
Favorite acrylics set and brushes, palette knife
Your favorite collage papers and any interesting items you have been squirreling away for a special project.
Water container
A second substrate- canvas, wood panel, wooden box lid or anything you already have in any size is fine
Feel free to email if you have questions