Encaustic painting (painting using hot beeswax wax and mixed with a little resin for durability) is an ancient medium that not only looks luminous and dreamy, but it smells nice too.
One easy way to add color is to use Pan Pastels. Pan Pastels are a cake type of pastel that you apply using an applicator. It feels so light and airy you would think you are working with dust from butterfly wings. It becomes rich as you build up color then fuse with the heat of a flambé torch. Working in hot wax allows for fast assembly of many mixed-media compositions. The warmed wax is applied by brush then set by heat gun or flambe torch. Once it has cooled, the piece has a durable finish. You may add layers on top of the finish, dig into it, or embed things. In fact, there are an amazing number of ways to work in this medium.
Materials Fee $75 paid at beginning of class includes:
everything you need for this workshop!
For example, wood panels in various sizes, hog bristle brushes, materials to embed, papers to add, inks, oil sticks, scrappers, brushes, pan pastels and applicators, etc.
Many people decide to set up their own encaustic workshops at home after taking this class.
Supplies Needed to bring for Class: