Art & Soul, Inspirational Mixed Media Retreats

Soldered Salt Shaker Necklaces

Harrisburg, PA July 2025 is NOW OPEN

Lynn Suprock
9:00 - 4:30
Wed July 9

I used to vacation with my family at the beach and have the most wonderful memories of those by gone days. One little bottle can hold past treasures in a quirky, but slightly blingy style. These little glass salt shaker bottles make the perfect vessel necklaces, filled with words and phrases, loaded with sand and glitter.
Learn how to flood non-lead solder and add quirky findings to the tops of these bottles. Add some heartfelt statements to the inside walls, fill with glitter dust, and create a special coating on the bottom that reminds one of dripping wax or the seal of a love letter.
To finish the piece, we will learn how to foil and SOLDER BUTTONS and create a special MISH-MOSH bead to incorporate into the chain of your final necklace. * Please wear hair back and wear long pants and bring reading glasses*

Materials Fee $40 paid at beginning of class includes:

the soldering iron set ups and solder, salt shakers glass bottles, bling and pewter pieces to solder to the tops, sand, glitter, wire, colorants, resin, and wax.  


Supplies Needed  to bring for Class:

1. Optional: A solder fume mask, if you suffer asthma or smoke allergies. Note: dust masks are not fume masks. Lowe’s and Harbor Freight carry solder fume masks. I will have them for 5.00 a piece if you desire.
2. A Helping Hand or third hand (found on Amazon and at Harbor Freight) for soldering.
3. Assorted Rosary Beads, chain, or other pieces of necklaces for the desired length of your finished necklace
4. Beads, assorted seed beads, crystals. Instructor will have some.
5. Book print or newspaper words
6. Buttons, assorted to solder and add to the necklace. Instructor will have some
7. Clear elmer’s glue
8. Glumps of string, yarn, knotted up laundry string from frayed towels, embroidery threads, fringe, rugs etc.
9. Jewelry pliers, round nosed and straight
10. Lint free rag to clean piece
11. Non latex glove
12. Rubbing alcohol
13. scissors
14. Sharpie marker to mark placements
15. Tooth brush

Click here for a printable page