Beauty surrounds us everyday in nature. Let’s use real leaves and make something magical. We will use a special modelling compound, which will pick up the finest details of leaf veining, and which will dry like porcelain! We will learn a few molding tricks, design bail, and wash over some colors that will flow right into the many natural nooks and crannies. We will seal what we make so the colors and pop and last forever. These creations will take your breath away as a lightweight necklace or display.
Materials Fee $30 paid at beginning of class includes:
modelling compound, paints, non-stick surfaces, sealer, use of dryer dehydrator, silicone spray
Supplies Needed to bring for Class:
1. 1” or 1.25” paint brush (chip brush works)
2. Necklace chain ( instructor will have extra)
3. Non latex gloves to protect those fingers and manicures!
4. Painters tape
5. Plastic straw, (the size you would use for a fast food soda cup)
6. Rubbing alcohol, 91% type (found at drug store or Wal-Mart)
7. Saran wrap or other plastic wrap
8. Small Scissors