Do you want to create freely and uninhibited? Do you want to throw that inner critic away and find joy and play in your art practice? Do you want to feel safe in trying new things you strive to expand your creative works?
This class lets you fully and freely express yourself with your art materials so you may experience pure joy as you become brave and bold in your art work, exploring what is. You will be gently guided and encouraged to try new things, to be brave, to make bold moves, and to feel completely free to authentically create from your soul. You will work both big and small, creating works on paper and in your art journal. You will find new ways to use the materials you already have as you engage in work that will make your creativity and heart flourish. Your works will become mini paintings, expressions and stories of yourself and where you are in your journey. You will not only take home beautiful, soulful works that can be used as inspiration for more, but you will also take away rich experiences that will influence your creativity.
Materials Fee $ paid at beginning of class includes:
$42 (for large watercolor paper substrates)
$2 (for newsprint under paper)
Supplies Needed to bring for Class:
• acrylic paints (colors of your choice)
• brushes, a variety of sizes
• acrylic inks - include black, some neutrals or metallics and a few other colors of your choice
• gel medium
• old brush for applying gel medium
• mixed media paper (2-4 sheets, approximately 9 x12”)
• archival tissue paper, approximately 4-6 sheets
• text paper
• plastic card
• brayer
• mark making tools (in a variety of sizes - can be anything from catalyst tools , fan brush to nature tools like twigs and feathers)
• pencils
• charcoal pencil or charcoal
• pastels
• catalyst tool for spreading paint (or something like a bowl scraper)
• scissors
• heat tool
• paper towels
• glass for holding water to clean your brushes
• apron
Optional items:
• Fixative if you’re using pastels or charcoal and you don’t want them to smudge. (I recommend Spectra Fix as it is non toxic and doesn’t have fumes).