Join artist Micah Goguen as we design and embellish a wooden book box. All materials are included to help you get a personalized and creative design. We will be adding layers of antique collage papers, paper clay press mold embellishments, jewels adornments and more. You can email images or wording that you would like to use to personalize the project but it MUST be emailed at least 3 days before Art & Soul Event begins so that it can be printed in time. I will also have a selection of images for you to use and consider.
Guests will learn how to design, layer and encapsulate materials in order to achieve a 3 dimensional authentic looking book that doubles as a secret box for you to store your treasures.
Materials Fee $25 paid at beginning of class includes:
Materials to keep:
• Wooden box with hinges approximately 8 x 10 in size
• Photo transfers
• Embellishment materials like adornments, jewels, heavy twine, doilies, etc
• Collage papers
Materials to share:
• GOLDEN Acrylics: Fluid and High Flow
• GOLDEN Soft Gel
• GOLDEN Heavy Gel
• GOLDEN Glass Bead Gel
• SilverBrush Silversilk 88 Long Handle Brushes
• Water cups
• Palettes
• Palette Knives
• Texture Combs
Supplies Needed to bring for Class:
• Paper Towels
• Apron
• Scissors (optional)