Art & Soul, Inspirational Mixed Media Retreats

Awe & Authenticity

Portland, OR March 2025 is NOW OPEN

Christie Karpiak
9:00 - 4:30
Sun March 23

Create mixed media pieces on wooden substrates, layered with original papers, encaustic medium, and natural elements, combined with fibres, woven elements and ephemera of your choice.  You will create original papers to build collage layers that support natural elements such as twigs, bark, stones, feathers, shells and metal.  You will explore how fabric and wool fibres find their place amongst these collaged pieces, while having a go at adding some encaustic medium to some of your works.  You will be encouraged to work intuitively throughout this class as you connect with your soul and with Mother Earth. You will be encouraged to approach your work with curiosity, exploration and a sense of awe and wonder.  Create at your own level and use your own creativity while being gently guided to truly make these pieces unique and authentically yours.

Materials Fee $38 paid at beginning of class includes:

encaustic medium and brushes 
4, 6x6” wood cradled panels
cotton muslin
water color paper 
under paper
painter’s tape

Supplies Needed  to bring for Class:

  • a variety of fibres eg) wool, embroidery floss, hemp twine
  • sewing needles with an eye large enough for the fibres to pass through
  • scissors
  • fabrics you have in your stash that might give interesting texture, if you have it
  • ecodyed fabric, if you have it
  • 1-3 acrylic paints in neutral colors eg) Burnt Umber, Burnt Sienna, White, Yellow Ochre
  • 2-3 acrylic inks in neutral colors eg) Payne’s Gray, Indigo, Sepia, Transparent Burnt Umber, Raw Sienna 
  • ephemera of your choice eg) twigs, bark, stones, feathers, shells, beads, wire, metal
  • brushes (a variety of sizes-some for inks, some for acrylic paints)
  • pencil
  • gel medium
  • old brush to apply gel medium 
  • natural mark making tools like twigs (for scraping into paint and wax)
  • heat tool
  • glass to hold water for cleaning brushes
  • paper towels
  • apron

Optional items:

  • heavy gel medium to adhere natural elements
  • exacto knife to trim paper from the wood panels 
  • cutting mat for trimming paper from wood panels
  • paper trimmer
  • one or two acrylic paints in color of your choice eg) blue, green
  • plastic card



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