Art & Soul, Inspirational Mixed Media Retreats

Kantha Leaf

Portland, OR March 2025 is NOW OPEN

Helene Knott
9:00 - 4:30
Wed March 19

In contemporary times, fabric layered and stitched in parallel lines of rough running stitches is called Kantha but true Kantha is far more exquisite. In classical Kantha, intricate tapestries featuring various flora and fauna were stitched, usually with a simple running stitch that was often laid to create secondary textures and patterns. In this workshop, you will learn the basics of classical Kantha stitching on a leaf motif. Once you learn the technique, you can tackle more intricate motifs. The instructor will have some collectors books on traditional Indian Kantha for you to peruse.

Materials Fee $30 paid at beginning of class includes:

 a pre-marked, stabilized base fabric, an assortment embroidery threads, and a needle

Supplies Needed  to bring for Class:

• Embroidery Scissors or thread snips
• A needle grabber (optional): Made by Dritz, this is a little rubberized flat disk that allows you to grab the needle and pull it through the fabric without your fingers slipping. It can be helpful if you have trouble pulling a needle loaded with stitches through fabric.
• Thimble (optional): Some stitchers prefer using a thimble to protect tender fingers, I never use one but if you do, bring one you are comfortable wearing.
• Portable light and/or magnifier (optional): The lighting varies in each classroom and having a better light source and magnification can be helpful for handwork.

There are 4 spaces remaining in this class.

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