Art & Soul, Inspirational Mixed Media Retreats

I've Created a Monster

Portland, OR March 2025 is NOW OPEN

Thomas Ashman
9:00 - 4:30
Mon/Tue March 17-18

Doll Making Workshop

From a very early age, my head has been populated by "monsters". From Sesame Street and the Muppets to H.R. Pufnstuff, not to mention a steady diet of campy creature features from the early days of sci-fi and horror cinema. These characters ended up being much-beloved companions for myself, and many other "latch-key kids" raised by television.

So, to pay tribute the monsters in my closet and under my bed, I have developed a comprehensive doll-making workshop that attempts to re-imagine those lovable and loud, wild and weird monsters of my youth.

Also... as away to reach out to the next generation of artists, if this workshop is one that might appeal to a young person in your life, please bring them with you to class... for free! Yes, that's right, one child under 18 yrs, may attend this workshop with one paid adult attendee, free of charge. I'll even provide their kit! While I will endeavor to empower and encourage you to sculpt your doll into a "monstrous" form, the techniques and skills acquired and developed in this course can ultimately be applied to any style of doll making!

What... not everyone loves monsters?

On day 1, students will learn how to fabricate a one-wire doll armature that can be articulately posed and sculpted upon with many different materials. After that, I will show you how to craft a virtually indestructible figural base substrate.

On day 2, students will get insanely useful tips and tricks for cutting patterns for optimal base form coverage, painting techniques to make things look less "painted", and tricks for employing other found objects and materials to create durable, poseable, unusual, fascinating, (scary?), but entertaining dolls.

I am hoping to see lots of different outcomes from students in this workshop, as there is a ton of room for the unique and individualized interpretation of this project.

For more pictures of my monsters and other useful information, please visit 


Materials Fee $40 paid at beginning of class includes:

printed instruction book
wood base
aluminum and steel armature wire various gauges
aluminum mesh
spray foam
foam pipe insulation
zip ties
epoxy clay
foam ball
1 pair glass eyes
a limited assortment of paint colors you can use
pattern paper
access to a great pile of fabric scraps, trim, leather, fur, teeth, hooves, horns, bones, and other stuff for monster making.

Supplies Needed  to bring for Class:

* sharp pair of scissors
* Sharpie marker
* Xacto knife with extra blades
* wire cutters
* needle nose pliers
* shop shears for cutting metal
* 1/2 yard of fur, leather, or hide to cover your monster (this can be any color, faux or real, your call)
* one bottle of Crafter's Pick Ultimate water based super glue

Optional tools and supplies you can bring:
* doll parts (or other creature's) think: hands and/or feet
* various scraps of fur, feathers, fabrics, F.O.'s, or Styrofoam packing bits you might have lying around to swap/share
* any additional props, pets, jewelry, clothing, weapons, or other accessories for your doll
* sewing kit
* any paint colors you cannot risk my not having for you

Click here for a printable page