Join us as we explore the fascinating realm of freeform knitting. We will discuss some of the many ways to freeform knit, such as knitting fragments and joining them together (known as Scrumbles), adding to an existing piece using a variety of stitches, yarns, and needle sizes, joining various yarns together and knitting intuitively, or adding surface embellishments such as beads, crochet pieces, felted pieces, or embroidery.
Students must have a basic knowledge of knitting. We will work on a small rectangle to get familiar with freeform knitting. From there you can decide to make a small handbag, wall hanging, or a piece of wearable art.
Materials Fee $10 paid at beginning of class includes:
instructions and knitting patterns. I will also have a variety of fiber packs that you can purchase.*
Supplies Needed to bring for Class:
Yarns - variety of sizes and textures in 4-5 colors that you will put in your project (leftovers are great).
Needles - several sizes. (24” circular are best) in US size 6, 9, 11, 13 or something similar, and depending on your yarn). If you have an interchangeable set bring that.
Crochet hooks (optional)
Stitch holders 4”-6”
Yarn Needle, stitch markers, tape measure, scissors and any tools you use for knitting.
* If you would like me to bring a particular color way yarn pack please email me at