Art & Soul, Inspirational Mixed Media Retreats

Gellin’ – New ways with Gel Printing

Portland, OR March 2025 is NOW OPEN

Jacqueline Sullivan
9:00 - 4:30
Sat March 22

This class will be taught by Ann Webb

Many people have tried Gel Plate Printing and make stacks of collage papers with it. In this class you will learn to make beautiful monotypes that are finished fine-art quality prints. It’s all about layering color and texture. No experience necessary! We’ll work with various papers, heavy and thin that can be used both as collage papers and finished, frameable prints. You’ll learn how to apply bands of color and texture and develop some of your images . We’ll play with some transfer techniques and students will learn how to register colors on their prints. The class will end with students putting together a small accordion book with their best prints so they have a reference file for the various techniques. 

Materials Fee $20 paid at beginning of class includes:

gelli plates & tools to use
some basic papers, paints 

Supplies Needed  to bring for Class:

• SOFT rubber brayers at least one – But 2 – 4 of varying sizes would be more convenient
• Spray bottle for water
• Baby wipes for cleaning brayer and Gel plates
• Optional: different papers to print on including book pages, music pages, white and colored paper, rice paper etc.
• apron
• Large glue stick
• Scissors
• Rectangular Styrofoam plates for palette (usually available at Dollar Tree
• Any stencils or stamps that you may want to use (there will be many to share)

This class is full.

Click here for a printable page