Whether your approach is mindful precision or Wabi Sabi, let the dots fall where they may! We are going to kick it up this year by including dimensional dots with a little extra sparkle, and explore the idea of adding a few embellishments! Let's mix our perfect palette of textile paint and find our dotting groove. Mandalas and so much more.
Materials Fee $50 paid at beginning of class includes:
Black or White high quality "pfd" cotton fabric
Access to pearlescent paint, transparent paint,
and opaque paint - all for fabric
All mixing cups and spoons
Set of Fabric Dotting Rods
Set of Fabric Detailed Dotting Tools
Set of 3 sizes gridded layout stencils
Supplies Needed to bring for Class:
Freezer paper, chalk pencil or taylors pencil (fine point)
Plastic Bin with lid - apx. 24" x 16" x 6"
Package of Baby Wipe