We’ve forgotten, gradually, achingly, but almost unnoticeably, what we once knew, and that is HOW to draw like a child, with child’s freedom and joy.
We’ve lost this particular type of magic, the making of marks on barren walls, sand, or on any other substrates available to us, just to feel our unique selves move, joyously live.
The urge to scribble, doodle, and draw lines was and is always innate, raw, visceral, sensual, sensorial, and tactile. It is natural and wholehearted. What it’s not is a skill, a talent, or an ability. Join me, to recall.
Bring with you any surface you’d like to work on: A journal, wooden panels, canvases, etc. Please make sure it’s of a smaller size as we work at our communal tables.
-A sidekick - a used/vintage book with images/photographs/illustrations you love, to be altered. (Book should lay flat when worked on and preferably not glossy)
-drawing and sketching tools you have handy: Pencils, markers, etc.
-A Ballpoint pen
-Acrylic Paints (a few colors of your choice), a container for water, paper towels or/and rags
-White Gesso
-Black Gesso
-A couple of different size brushes, from very thin to wide and flat
-Matte or Soft Gel (Liquitex, Golden)
-Fine permanent black pens.
-A nice size collection of collage papers, blank mixed media paper sheets, miscellaneous images, original or photocopies, pages from magazines and old book, old journal pages and paintings on paper that you are willing to alter, etc.